Sunday Morning divine Service: 10:00 am
At Trinity there are various opportunities with which you can supplement that which you are teaching your family at home.
The primary "handbook" that is used (besides the
Bible) is The Small Catechism by Dr Martin Luther who inspired the Reformation in 1517 and worked at it, translating the bible into the vernacular, writing many theological works, and guiding many pastors and lay people in the Christian faith, till his death in 1546.
The Lutheran Church bases its doctrine on Holy Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions (collected in the Book of Concord) which are drawn from God's Word and are the explanation of our faith in Jesus Christ.
New-to-church beginners and life-long Lutherans are all welcome to participate in this class. This 7-week course, taught by Pastor Schultz, is a comprehensive summary of what the bible teaches about our salvation in Jesus Christ.
Week 1: Christ and the Bible
Week 2: God, Creation and Angels
Week 3: The Ten Commandments
Week 4: Jesus Christ
Week 5: The Holy Spirit and the Church
Week 6: Holy Baptism and The Lord’s Supper
Week 7: Prayer and the Last Things
Our youth group stays active with regular activities from social events to servant events and regular Bible Study.
We encourage pre-teens and teens to grow their faith with peers at summer camp. Ask us about attending a camps in Bigfork or Red Lodge.
In a world where youth are tempted to compromise, Higher Things conferences are cultivating a distinctly Lutheran identity among youth and young adults.
All women at Trinity are members of "LWML." The LWML group gets together every 2nd Saturday of the month for a short Bible Study or devotion, and then discuss activities and projects they wish to undertake.
LWML supports local community programs like: Life Way Pregnancy Services, The Grace Home for Veterans, The Rescue Mission, and more.
LWML supports global mission outreach programs like: Lutheran World Relief, Orphan Grain Train, Lutheran Disaster Response and more.
(September-May) New singers welcome!
(September-May) New players needed!